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TESTEMUNHOS: Estágios profissionais: Uma aventura pela Europa III



Carlos Costa

During this project, I was able to communicate with polish children using some polish words and also sign language. I have taught them some sign language, so that they could communicate with me, because I am deaf. I was able to develop my sense of autonomy and independence. Its was a great experience socialy and personaly speaking. Although I am deaf, it was not that hard to be understood, and to understand other people. I gave my best to feel integrated and to learn new things with children, teachers and collegues.

I am very thankfull to have been given this opportunity to grow social and culturally. I feel, I could work in a foreign country, because I felt I was very well accepted in the Polish community.

Every deaf student should be given this opportunity, it was very rich in all areas of knowledge , culture, social behaviour, and personnal development.









Débora Piedade

During this project, I was able to communicate with polish children using some polish words and also in portuguese. I have taught them some portuguese, so that they could communicate with me. I was able to develop my sense of autonomy and independence. It was a great experience

socialy and personaly speaking.

I am very thankfull to have been given this opportunity to grow social and culturally. I feel, I could work in a foreign country, because I felt I was very well accepted in the Polish community.

It was very rich in all areas of knowledge , culture, social behaviour, and personnal development.


Escrito Segundo  a estrutura LGP (Língua Gestual Portuguesa) - Língua materna do aluno

Hugo Ricardo, Hugo Tavares e João Barros

It was a really nice experience wich I would like to repeat, it was good for our profissional, social and personal development.


Daniel Barata

Throughout this project I made new friends, I learned a new language, I got in touch with the polish culture in which I was quite integrated by the natives. This project was quite enriching since I got much more autonomy by staying by myself in a city completely different from mine, without my parents around to solve my problems; I also had to provide food for myself, go to training,( my working place)  face and solve all the  different situations I came across with. It also developed my English communication skills even though most polish people don’t reveal any ability  in English language – That’s why I consider it on of the negative points considering that English is the communication language: It was difficult to find the items we needed in the supermarket because it was all written in polish and nobody understood us; whenever we wanted to visit a special place in town, it was difficult to find the best way to go  there, nobody knew how to explain it. Polish food is gorgeous, polish cities and towns are beautiful and worth visiting. Unfortunately we hadn’t enough time to know more about Poland.

The only thing I would change in this project I think it would be the time length of the project: instead of on month plus one week, I’d have preferred two months.

All my thanks to the teachers that were with us and helped in the organization of the project.



Gabriela Agostinho, João Ferreira, Marisa Mendes e Pedro Correia

We all can say that the whole project was very enriching for all of us in different aspects. I highly value the all the work developed by all the people involved in this stage: the good outcome is an evidence of a very good organization. Although the polish culture is quite diferente from ours, I had no problems of adaptation.

The only negative aspect I’d like to point out is the fact that polish people don’t speak a second language especially older people.

Local de Estágio 1: Jornal, ZYCIE, onde estagiaram6 dos alunos do Curso de Multimédia

Local de Estágio 2: Centro Emprego onde estagiou 1 dos alunos do Curso de Multimédia

Local de Estágio 3: Escola Primária onde estagiou 1 dos alunos do Curso de Multimédia

Local de Estágio 4: Jardim de Infância onde estagiaram 2 alunos do Curso de Apoio Psicossocial

Foram iniciados e concluídos os processos de EUROPASS - MOBILIDADE

Todos os alunos realizaram com aproveitamento o curso em Polaco

Divulgação e Apresentação dos resultados

TESTEMUNHOS: Estágios profissionais: Uma aventura pela Europa III

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